Thread: Apple iMac?
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Old 02-16-2019, 02:56 PM
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Botnst Botnst is offline
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My first home computer was an Apple II+ with a language card giving me 64k RAM! Whoa. I started with AppleSoft Basic (an early Microsoft product, iirc) then switched to Pascal. I translated stat programs written for Univac 1160 (maybe 1180) from FORTAN IV to Pascal. Much easier interface and I didn’t have to beg for terminal time. I did all of my MS thesis analysis on the Apple and wrote it and printed it for review on my MX-80 Epson printer.

Later I tried moving everything to a FatMac (or MacPlus?) but the Mac programming was wildly different and I never got the knack.

Later StatPro came out in the Mac and that program was excellent but sloooow.

Then I switched to remote sensing/image analysis which was wholly the Windows domain. It seemed so primitive to have to learn command line stuff. Then Windows 3.1.1, what a kludge! But people used it.

For me, Windows didn’t get stable and useful until Windows XP. That’s when I no longer had to fight the Beast. The rest just got better.
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