Thread: Tariffs?
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Old 05-23-2019, 03:42 PM
barry12345 barry12345 is offline
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Originally Posted by cornemuse View Post
Maybe if tariffs raise cost high enough, we could start manufacturing stuff in this country (again)

Until the concept of north America living within it's means are engaged. Or very serious attempts are made to go in that direction. The rapid accumulation of more debt at all levels of government will persist. This can at some point create great difficulty for enterprises. Plus the majority of the population.

I am for the capitalist system as it serves my families needs. At the same time it is not really doing it well enough for about fifty percent of the population.

North America is attempting to compete against other forms of governments. Currently on average their standards of living are not as good. At the same time it is almost steadily moving upward for them.

More people are finding employment reciently. That is a good thing. Yet at the same time what is going on in the background is perhaps far more important. Improvements are needed there as well.

A booming economy historically creates a surplus for governments. If that is compromised or offset with massive larger debt growth at the same time. I have no ideal of what you would call it.

Other than not sustainable. The tool of choice to deal with this historically has been inflation to a degree that hurts the majority of citizens. We are seeing a ripple of it in Canada currently. In the housing costs and food cost areas. Especially in the last few years. They both are steadily far outpacing average wage gains. While for public consumption general inflation is claimed to be about two percent.

Rather than seeing new manufacturing emerge. We are going to be lucky to hold on to what we have left. Without major changes.

Last edited by barry12345; 05-23-2019 at 03:56 PM.
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