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Old 08-02-2019, 10:43 PM
murphysf murphysf is offline
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I have a 1987 300E

The car sat for over 1 day. I just went outside and pulled the two connectors off the sensor and I measured each point on the sensor (one at a time) to ground.

One of the points measured 1248 ohms and the other 1258 ohms. About a 8% difference so am not too worried that they both don't match 100%.

The outside temp was 68F or 20C

These values don't match the values listed in one of the above posts that lists Temp vs Resistance.

Actually I just reread the post and they measured it not each one to ground like I did but between the two points so 1248 + 1258 = 2506 ohms which matches the chart (20C = 2.5k)

Are we talking about the same senor? I am talking about the green sensor screwed into the top of the head closest to the firewall. The sensor that has the two individual wires/connectors.

Bosch part # 0280130044

wanted to confirm the above sensor is what this thread is about.

Also want to know if anyone knows how these fail, should I take more readings as the engine heats up?
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