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Old 04-19-2021, 09:56 PM
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Diesel Dandy
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Post Final Drive Ratios & Dust Shields

Shern ;

I've been driving my 240D sans dust shields for many years now so no apparent need but then I don't drive it much on dirt roads or where there's road salt to attack the chromed piston rod and so cause leaks...

I trust the Engineers who design vehicles more than I trust the average bubba who simply has to change things just to put their own stamp on it so I have ordered the missing parts and will install .

I expect that living in an Urban environment wouldn't make those shields critical however for me they're important .

As far as the noise, I recently spent some time on the rear tranny mount and engine to cross member mount, if not properly assembled and adjusted they will telegraph serious noise into the passenger cabin .

My car is much quieter now, I don't over speed the engine and never need to touch the floor ~ if you need to do that you're driving the wrong car and will never be happy with a 240D .

The higher ratio (lower numerically) final drive sounds great if you have no hills ~ I have enough trouble reaching 50 + MPH on freeway on ramps so I cannot consider this .

If I had a 5 speed manual box I'm sure I'd love the 3.07 final drive .

Not looking at the big picture is why so many modify their vehicles then sell them on shortly thereafter .
1982 240D 408,XXX miles
Ignorance is the mother of suspicion and fear is the father

I did then what I knew how to do ~ now that I know better I do better
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