Using the Motive Product 0100 pressure bleeder, european style, for the first time ever works rather well. Going through the motions of right rear, left rear, right front and left front brakes caliper in order of seequences. The first three brake bleeding locations went well. Lots of dirty fluid and air bubbles were coming out. When brake bleeding the left front caliber, after loosening the bleeder screw, no brake fluid came out at all!! Brake pedal traction was a little spongy afterwards, however, the brake pedal firmly stop above about 3 inches from the brake pedal floor.
What could go wrong trying to bleed the front left brake caliper and no brake fluid coming out? Is the brake caliper going bad? What about the brake line? I am somewhat baffle by this issue. Can anyone out there tell me what is the problem? Any comments, advice, feedback is greatly appreciated.