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Old 10-03-2003, 03:13 AM
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Vronsky Vronsky is offline
Enemy combatant
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Amsterdam, Old Europe
Posts: 841
Originally posted by Botnst
Not an economist? Duh-oh! That is a problem.

Lets see, ... we (I include the UK and Canada in this 'we') incurred a huge debt defeating the USSR--basically played high-stakes chicken with our respective economies until the USSR experienced economic and social meltdown. I paid direct taxes and I paid a huge hidden tax through inflation: inflation kicked me up the tax scale but my money bought less and less and my income didn't keep pace with inflation. That isn't a legal tax but it burned me anyway.

Our trade deficit has been consistently negative for fifty years--meaning we buy more overseas than foreigners buy from us. Result: my money goes outta here to, uh, you.

So I get taxed witless, I have paid inflation outta da whazzooo, and I provided military protection for a bunch of gutless Europeans who only exhibit bravery in the face of American generosity--ie, you bravely insist that we don't give enough of our wealth to the world--who do NOTHING to earn it. That makes me your slave and you complain about me not producing enough for your ambitions. Have a good life, I bought it for you.

Not that I resent it, mind you.

Friend, you still don't get it:
not only are foreigners funding you and your administration's excessive spending to keep up your wealth and power, your (great grand) children will bear the burden of having to pay it all back. THEY will be -in your words- your slave. Maybe you should resent that a little.

'American generosity': GIVE ME A BREAK, it's a fact that the amount of development aid per US-citizen is the lowest in the world. You are generous allright, as long as it's you that benefit.
2011 Prius
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