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Old 10-18-2003, 01:07 AM
chrisalex78 chrisalex78 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Beaumont, Tx
Posts: 8
I had some spare time today and decided to pull the water pump off in order to eliminate it as being the problem. As expected the water pump looks fine, impeller turns freely and looks great. However once i had the fan shroud off i discovered that apprently the fan had magically came off for the previous owner and tore the radiator up pretty good. It has not been leaking or anything but the massive amounts of solder used to fix the gouges in it bother me. I went ahead and pulled the radiator out and I am taking it to a shop tomarrow to have it looked at.

Old Deis- Where exactly is the buss you refered to, i would like to take a look at it and see how it looks

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