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Old 11-15-2003, 08:44 PM
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Originally posted by Snibble
Yea, why not?

I agree with that. I am surpised though that Lieberman being an Orthodox Jew is really trying to help the Palestinians. However, as with all politicians... you can never trust them.
Snibble, that's not the point.

The only American during his time who could possibly enter into a diplomatic relationship with Communist China was Richard Nixon. His anti-Communist credentials were impeccable. Thus, his state visit to China was unquestioned. If some apologist for communist totalitarianism had attempted Nixon's feat, he'd have been cut-off at the knees.

Leiberman, Orthodox Jew, can take-on the Israeli lobby with near impunity. Whereas any secular or Christian president would have to build his credentials, as Nixon did, over many years of involvement.

The key to solving the whole damned mess in the Middleast, and a solution that will address the concerns of a billion Muslims, is justice for the Arab Palestinians. I believe that only an American Jew can find a solution acceptible to the Palestinian Arabs and palatable to Israel. Leiberman is a brilliant man who loves his country and his religion. If he can just survive the tedium of political darwinism, I think he's our best hope for a way out of this hellish mess.

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