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Old 02-10-2004, 10:27 AM
abh3 abh3 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 52
Got pulled in Rockdale Co. Georgia in '82 driving a '76 BMW 530i about 3am on I-20... Deputy Dawg said he clocked me at 115 uphill and 120 down and this was back in the days of 55. He was in an OLD Ltd with a 460 P.I. and no radar, took him about 8 miles to run me down so he was really moving. I think he was enjoying himself on a boring night! He was nice about it, kept calling the 530i an 'Audi' to give me crap, let a buddy follow in my car, hauled me to jail whereupon EVERY cop in the station ran out to attend a barfight with machinegun fire (I heard the call). I asked the secretary what was to become of me, looking on the board I saw the cell #s and the charges... murder, assult, etc, so I didn't want to be locked up! She looked at the ticket, said "Well, honey, 70 in a 55 is $60-70 (can't remember) and if ya got cash, you can go!" Whew... thank you Deputy, where ever you are!
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