Mounting and dismounting tires onto a wheel...Most people do not own the machines needed to perform this task. This is something that definitely needs to be done at a tire shop.
The tire shops now have new machines specifically made to mount tires on "special" wheels. These new machines will allow tires to be mounted on chrome wheels without ruining the finish. Just make it clear to the sales person that the wheels are not plain black steel rims and will need special handling.
They also have new style weights that stick to the back of the rim when you have them balanced. (Old style weights are hammered to the side of the rim).
Total cost for mounting and balancing a wheel can run anywhere from $20-40 per wheel. Some of my friends go to CostCo because they are one of the cheapest. By the way, if you have it done at CostCo, they will rotate your tires for free and you'll also have free flat tire repair. Ask them about it.
Good luck,
P.S. Watch out for the excess charges. Many times they change your valve stem without asking you first and charge you $5 each stem (It's only $2-5 for all 4 at NAPA). They also try to charge you for "tire insurance" (for flat repair) and old tire disposal.