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Old 03-22-2004, 10:28 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Manhattan
Posts: 49
Angry 116 Blower Motor

The car is a 1979 300SD, 160,000 miles residing in New York City. Here is my problem (again!!!) My blower motor finally died. I was doing the bump and run for a few months. I know about the possible remedies for repairing (replace brushes etc...) but I decided to go new. I purchased a brand new Bosch unit. Did the swap and all is good. Worked for about 2 weeks and then I started blowing the #3 fuse (Blue-25amp). Replaced the fuse and all is good again. Fuse blows again a few days later. Replace the fuse and then as soon as you hit any button on the ACC the fuse blows. I call the parts person and tell him my situation. He tells me he will send me a new unit. I get the new unit do the swap and all is good again. This morning on my way to work went to hit the auto low on the ACC for some heat and the fuse blows. What is going on here? Is it possible the car is throwing to much juice to the blower motor? What can this be? Has anyone else had this problem in their 116? I can't understand why this problems occurs after about 2 weeks of normal operation.
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