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Old 04-27-2004, 09:49 AM
Posts: n/a

I like to build about any kind of cabinetry or furniture that doesn't involve wood turning. I've built Chests of Drawers, Hutches, Gun Cabinets, China Cabinets, Book Cases and in most recent years I've built a number of fancy Cedar Chests that are solid aromatic Cedar. Aromatic Cedar, Oak and Hickory are native woods in this part of the country.

I started the Cedar Chest kick when my Mom wanted me to reproduce a really fancy Lane Cedar Chest that a friend of hers was given as a child in 1934. It has curly legs and simple but elegant carving on the front. I reproduced it as accurately as possible and now all of my Mom's 11 sisters want one.

I also really like doing fancy trim carpentry, making my own moulding using various methods.

Just like messing with cars, I've been working wood off and on since I was a teenager.

I will give progress pictures of my woodshop as it comes together along with the car shop equipment. Most of my woodworking equipment is old, but some is high quality, like my 60's era Powermatic Cabinet saw that came out of a high school woodworking shop. Weighs a ton and probably has enough power to make railroad ties.

After I knock off tonight, I hope to finish wiring the woodshop area overhead lighting and then getting that wire along with the balancer and table saw 220 wire over the door and hooked to the circuit breaker panel.

Have a great day,
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