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Old 05-22-2004, 03:04 PM
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notlostmaybe notlostmaybe is offline
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ways to fix -- america

how to fix america. here is a list of things i would do to fix america
if i were emperor.

1. no goverment employment beyond 15 years. no goverment retirement.
this means all goverment employees; elected, civil servants, military,
police, teachers, ect. from the local level to the federal level.

2. bill of rights-all speech is protected except public hatemongering.

3. the war on drugs is over. production of methamphedine is a capital offence.

4. if we are going to have capital punishment it will be carried out
in the public arena. capital punishment will be expanded to include
corrupt politicions, goverment employees, business and church leaders.
death rows will be cleaned out one way or another.

5. houses, apartments, mobile homes etc. are now owned by there occupants
without morgage or lien.

6. bill of rights-americans may keep their guns. no more manufacture of
pistols. no public display of weapons. police will conceal their weapons.

7. voting- 14-16yo=1/2 vote; 16-18yo=3/4 vote.18-80= 1vote.80-82=1/2 vote.
82+older no vote. voting is manditory

8. all patents and copyrights expired. begin again with 5 years max.

9. in large businesses the pay range between the lowest and the highest
employees with the same years in is 8 times.
mutual funds and other managed funds will have no voting rights.

10. no public advertisement for tobacco, alcohol, weapons, church.

what do you think would fix america? :
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