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Old 06-17-2004, 10:47 AM
Wee Bobby Wee Bobby is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 5
ODBII codes

Last summer I inherited Dad's 1994 C220. It was in perfect shape with only 27,000 Km on it. My wife loves it (me too)!

In December the "Check Engine" light. I took it to the local service station because the nearest MB dealer is a half an hour away. The local techs weren't too sure if their scanner would be able to diagnose the problem. The scanner came back with "P1341" The local techs scratched their heads because they had no listing of this code. They just cleared the code and everything seemed fine... until last week when the "Check Engine" light came back on. The scanner revealed the same "P1341" code.

Can anyone tell me what this means?

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