Sounds like you have more experience in that area than I have, so I'll go with your 2 cents. Also I believe you have more humidity than we have which makes a difference. We have been experiencing humidity in the 10 to 30% humidity range. I do disagree with you, however, on the use of a rebuilt compressor. A guru who taught me a lot of A/C tricks many years ago advised against rebuilt units. He said that you don't know where a rebuilt unit came from. If the unit came from a moderate climate, you luck out. If the unit came from a climate where the compressor ran every day, it may suffer from metal fatigue. I don't know. Just my .02 cents.
Additionally, I also try to stick with R12 if possible. I have both R12 and R134 charging stations. I believe the R12 works better, and don't think that it should have been banned. I think that if it had been legislated to be used by professionals with licenses like other controlled substances, there would have been no need to change to another refrigerent, but, alas, we are dumb mechanics who are not allowed in the scheme of things. Sorry, Larry, I'm getting on my soap box again. We did just celebrate the 4th of July. I hope it wasn't just to watch fireworks, drink a few beers, and barbecue. What a let down that would be for the people who risked their lives to live in a democracy. Personal freedom is slipping away, and we are allowing it to happen. Seriously, how many people in America spend hours pouring over ballot issues to make an informed decision, and how many make their choices based on advertising. We have something in this country that others only dream of, and we are pissing it away. Idon't always wave a flag, But I have voted in every election since I was 21. I even voted absentee when I was at sea. I hope my vote was counted. Jeesh, am I on another trip? I don't even do drugs. I'm probably going to have to stop posting here as this stupid war rages on in Iraq. I guess I have lived near Berkeley way too long. I certainly don't expect an answer to this post.
Auto Zentral Ltd.
Last edited by autozen; 07-17-2004 at 12:00 AM.