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Old 09-04-2004, 08:59 PM
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KirkVining KirkVining is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
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I thought Arnold's exagerration of seeing Soviet tanks rumble across Austria when the fact was they all left before he was even born a little unsettling, but along the line of Kerry's "Cambodia" story - a life story exaggeration that just about everybody engages in sometime in their lives, not quite a lie, but more a rememberance of some life event where the teller changes a few details to fit the moral of his tale. Arnold probably saw American tanks and Kerry may have been a few hundred yards from Cambodia, who knows. The thing that really matters in the end is that while this will not that big a deal for Arnold, Kerry gets crucified by the Karl Rove-Rush Limbaugh-Fox News machine. It is just another example of our new virtual Ministry of Information in action.
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