I know the bears are on for you folks in Chicago area but so what. Rex is out for the year. C'mon up.......
Racine/Milwaukee Biodiesel Workshop!!
Comprehensive Homebrew Biodiesel Workshop with Maria
'Mark' Alovert in Racine, Wisconsin
Sunday, October 17th 10 am -5 pm
sliding scale $20-$50, (no one turned away for lack of
A timely challenge to the oil industry - run your
diesel car on recycled vegetable oil for under $1.00 a
gallon! Come learn a wide range of techniques to make
homebrew biodiesel fuel, with hands-on practice, and
an opportunity to join a new Racine/Milwaukee
biodiesel cooperative!
Please wear long pants and closed toe shoes, and bring
long sleeved shirts. The class will be held in a new
garage, please bring extra layers in case it's chilly.
Bring a potluck lunch dish to share and a lawn chair
for seating.
An optional 85-page Biodiesel Homebrew Guide book is
available for $8 at the class or $10 by mail
beforehand (see
www.localB100.com for details)
For more information, driving directions, car pooling
and to register, please e-mail Debbie Davis,
davisdx@sbcglobal.net, 414-372-5192, or workshop
facilitator Maria "Mark"
Debbie Davis
i have no vested interest in this workshop. i will attend and pay like everyone else. i am just trying to get the word out.