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Old 11-10-2004, 04:25 PM
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pberku pberku is offline
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Climate Control related Clicking Sounds.

My '95 E300D is at it again. Now that the cold weather is here the start of the Heater Fan blowing is delayed by a few minutes until the engine heats-up a bit. This is normal and I am aware of that. Yesterday however a new symptom started that sounds like it could be trouble.

Sarting the car when cold (outside temp at 32F), and after a few minutes of the fan not blowing (normal for this temperature), I would start hearing loud clicking sounds coming from what appears to be the KLIMA relay. After about a minute of clicking, the fan would than come on, and the clicking subsides to nothing. If I start the car while the engine is still hot, the fan starts immediately, and there is never any clicking.

I am not sure, as I need to experiment with this, but, I think that the clicking sound is only there when the Climate Control Unit is in "AUTO" Mode. I think that when its in Manual Mode i.e.: High or Low speed pressed on the Push Button, that the Fan starts right-away and there is no clicking sound prior to start-up. But as I said I am not sure if that's the case or not, I'll need to try it next time.

At this point I am not sure if the problem is the KLIMA relay itself, the Climate Control Unit, or something else. Any ideas?


'95 E300 Diesel, 264,000 Miles. [Sold it]
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