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Old 11-11-2004, 03:16 PM
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KirkVining KirkVining is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
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First overtly political thread from the left. Is hiring Illegal Aliens Treason?

Bush wants to "legitimize" illegals that are here. Wouldn't the proper way to legimatize them be to annex Mexico? We are creating majorities in California, Arizona and Texas that have no rights here and very little in there own country. Aren't we selling out our own principles? How can we bring democracy to Iraqis, yet deny it to millions who live here among us? Why is "legitimizing" these people only something we want to do in only an economic sense?

My position is this - it should be a Class A Felony for employers to hire these people. To hell with trying to arrest the illegals - they are committing no crime in doing what any man would do to feed a hungry family. Arresting these people is no different than arresting a starving man for stealing a loaf of bread. The real criminals are the scheming greedy capitalist traitors who would sell out their own country by turning it over to an invasion by an army that has invaded us without guns. Like most filthy scumbag traitors they do it so they can make a buck. They belong in prison. There is no greater indictment of why turning this country over to corporations is the thing we are all going to regret, because these crooks that hire aliens seek nothing less than making treason legal. They should be locked up. If this was the law, then the illegals would be forced to stay in Mexico to solve their own problems.

We tax these people, in fact in the case of Social Security taxes we confiscate their income, thereby denying the most basic, most founding principle of this country - no taxation without representation. Bush chooses to side with the corporate criminals who sell out the jobs of Americans so we can continue to be craven hypocrites and screw these people, deny them the vote and treat them as a slave class, while our leaders allow us to be invaded in an invasion where no battles are fought, but that in the end gives us the same result as if the Japanese had successfully invaded America. To me, Bush violates his oath to perserve and protect the United States by supporting this treason.

As far as them being here to do the jobs nobody wants - we said that in Texas years ago and got to find out the hard way that there are plenty of skilled tradesmen and professional people in Mexico. These people have decimated what was once a backbone of the middle class here - high paying construction and maintenance jobs like carpenters, electicians and plumbers are gone now. Your job could be next. Why do none dare to call it treason?

We should make a choice - either make them part of our democracy where they have the same rights as everyone else, or keep them out in the way guaranteed to accomplish it - by meteing out heavy penalities for hiring them. To do anything else makes us all guilty of selling out our most basic principles.
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