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Old 11-26-2004, 04:09 PM
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Botnst Botnst is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Military is making recruitment goals. They wont take a GED unless an applicant has very special skills.

Folks who make it through basic training are either self-disciplined (or have the capacity for self-discipline) and motivated or they're sheep. Motivated ones don't care what you throw at them, they want to succeed. Sheep do what they're told. The boy seems to be neither.

I agree with Kirk on the rest. After he's finished with this year's high school, put him out and make it stick. Tell him soon(!) that you're going to do it and remind him occasionally of what's coming. Give him a firm date. Then do it. Help him move out and then redecorate his old bedroom--without a bed in it.

I did exactly that with my oldest and she tightened-up quick. Now has her own place and car and works two jobs. Has decided she wants to go to university. But that's on her dime. She made her decisions, now she gets to live with the consequences. I love her to death and it broke my heart. But it seems to have worked-out for the best.

Good luck.
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