Put fill cap on clean rag in drivers seat as reminder {to add oil dummy.}
good idea. i tend to leave mine somewhere and then fill the oil. check level. collect tools. put crummy rag into bag and then into trunk. drive off. a few minutes later stomach falls, heart leaps and palapatates as smoke rises from the front of the car. panic sets in. shut car off. it won't. open hood. where is oil cap??!!!
car won't stop with hole in engine. more panic. dive into trunk for crummy t-shirt from radio station that let me go(their loss) to cover hole. take out shirt. bag is heavy. engine still running. oil spewing. bottom of bag has oil cap. re attach. pissed. motor looks like cr*p with fresh oil all over. engine shuts off.
my memory went at childbirth. i like that one. i raised the kids also right?