The wiring mod is just a replacement wiring for the fan only. The aux fan wiring plug is just disconnected and cable tied out of the way and the new wiring routed to the fuse box.
Im the only one in my workshop who orders the wiring harness, everyone else just installs the 40A fuse.
The tricky part is knowing which single wire to disconnect from the underside of the fusebox as they all look the same. The earth point is just below and infront of the washer bottle.
The plug that you need to remove the existing wire and retrofit the new harness is in the middle of the fusebox (underneith), from memory is blue and has just 2 wires in it. Unfortunately I can't remember the plug number. Disconnect the wire from the aux fan plug next to the fans and check for continutity between the 2 ends of the wire to check you have the right one (make sure the battery is disconnected when you have the fuse box open!!!!).
Insulate the old wire even though it's not connected to anything as well.
Give yourself 30-45mins to do it, dont rush anything and don't be afraid to ask lots of questions.
MB Tech
Sydney, Australia
Volvo 122S
W201 190D 2.5 manual
W202 C240
W203 C32