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Old 04-26-2001, 02:00 AM
benchracer benchracer is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: California
Posts: 209

Very thorough procedure for checking for the vacuum leak. I really appreciate it.

I was wondering though, if you had tried this yourself. The black plastic cover under the driver's floor mat mentioned in step #3, is attached with what looks like 2 small buttons. How the h*** do you get these off? I snapped one off out of frustration just so I could get to the "H" connectors, and looking at the broken button, I still can't figure how it was supposed to come off.

Anyway, I've isolated my vacuum leak to the right side door locks and I'm very happy about that. I'll narrow it down tomorrow.

1995 C280
1999 Triumph Daytona 955I - my speed fix.
1982 300TD - Gone, but not forgotten.
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