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Old 09-14-2005, 01:43 PM
A264172 A264172 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Pittsburgh
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Originally Posted by GermanStar
One very large judgment from 10 years ago against a Canadian Corp. and two Canadian citizens. It all happened in Pittsburgh, BTW...... They had no assets at the time, so I let it go, but figure it's time to have another look around.
The 'Corp.' part might be a problem. I think your best bet might be to get a new judgement in their jurisdiction... or use a lawyer local to them to negotiate a settlement as you would have significant fees and aggravation using the court from afar. I personally think the recovery services use an approach that can be accomplished by your own self with the same effect. They typically send about five letters in succession and make phone calls. I would contact a local… even if that means calling their local magistrate to find out what would be involved in pursuing a judgement before starting negotiations with the debtors.

1986 300E 220,000 miles+ transmission impossible
(Now waiting under a bridge in order to become one)

Reading your M103 duty cycle:
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