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Old 11-04-2003, 03:51 PM
GottaDiesel's Avatar
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Paging Old Deis

""You should pull the breather hose off the valve cover and see how much blowby this old diesel is offering up. Then get it warmed up and plug that line with your thumb and check your watch. If it dies in less that five seconds you may have a real worn out engine. Some die in less than two seconds. To go five seconds or better is an indicator of good things.
Some disagree with that test, but it is usually on the money with the turbocharged diesels. Of course you need to evaluate a lot more than that. ""

A while ago you gave me this advice... Here's what I did, and you tell me if it's a good thing...

I pulled the hose off the airfilter cover end (not the end @ the valve cover...) -- let me know if that makes a difference.

It was blowing air out... as it should. I covered it and held it for 5 seconds and when I released it, I felt a surge of air and then normal. I tried it again for 7 seconds... the air surge got greater. I didn't go more than that, but I am 100% sure it would have.

Is that accomplishing the same test as you indicated?

Thanks for the help


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Old 11-04-2003, 07:39 PM
Posts: n/a
I've never liked this test. It puts alot of strain on the seals/gaskets (Oil pan, IP, etc.). I tried it on mine long ago and it died in 8 seconds. Now I have an oil leak of 1 quart every other week (100 miles) ay my IP mounting gasket.
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Old 11-04-2003, 08:14 PM
The Warden's Avatar
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I did that test on my car when I bought it. I know that it puts a lot of stress on the seals and whatnot, but I was concerned about the blow-by being way too much, and didn't have access to a compression test (by this time, two fellow board members had made the offer, but I had to buy the car first and then drive from Dallas to Austin). My car too between 10 and 12 seconds to die.

When the compression test was performed, every cylinder was happy.

IMHO you probably got what you needed out of the test, but it's something i wouldn't do on a regular basis (actually, unless you deem it necessary, I wouldn't do it again). Have you actually done a compression check?

Good luck!
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Old 11-04-2003, 08:16 PM
GottaDiesel's Avatar
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No. Not yet. Was going to do it today, but it has been drizzing/raining...

Should do it in next 24 hours I would say.

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Old 11-04-2003, 09:04 PM
Old Deis
Posts: n/a
Yes there is a risk in doing this test, as is correctly pointed out here. That being said, it is a useful test with somebody elses car. Especially when the guy is standing there telling you how this smoker just never burns any oil.
Sort of separates the truth from the bull. Seven seconds is an indicator it passes that test.

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