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Old 12-13-2000, 12:49 PM
Posts: n/a
i've just inspected the oil balls in the rear of my crankcase. i see a little oil leakage and am worried. i think that replacement is in order. can anyone give any insite as to exactly how to do this, if it is neccesary, or to not waist my time at all? i'd like to know as much as i can about these little oil balls, as i am still not sure what they do. it is obvious from the inside of my trans. bell housing and flywheel that they were leaking slightly. any help is greatly appreciated. thanks
william gum

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Old 12-13-2000, 07:36 PM
Wm. Lewallen
Posts: n/a
The early Mercedes engines used a plug in the real oil passage holes similar to the ones on the front of the block. Why could'nt you tap the holes on the rear and use a threaded plug like the early cars had? This would insure you that the ball would not come out. You would not have any oil leak there.I have never had to remove them when I rebuild an engine.I tell the machine shop to clean the engine with the front facing down. If you want to remove them,the manual says to use a long rod and knock them out from the front. Good luck.
Bill Lewallen Lex.Ky.
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Old 12-13-2000, 10:27 PM
Posts: n/a
thanks for the reply william. and thanks for the idea of removing the balls and inserting a threaded plug. i'll consider it. any ideas on where i might be able to get an allen head plug of about that size? and why would i get the case cleaned standing on the front end? thanks again,
wm gum
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Old 12-14-2000, 08:10 AM
Posts: n/a
I would go to an industrial supply, and get a plug and the correct tap, and possibly the correct drill bit to go with the tap. Measure the hole ID carefully. And of course, get your hole tapped and the chips cleaned as thoroughly as possible before taking the block to the machine shop. That way they have a chance of getting all the chips completely cleaned out when washing the block after the machining processes.

Good luck,
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Old 12-14-2000, 07:25 PM
Wm. Lewallen
Posts: n/a
oil galley balls 240D

Why not tap the rear oil galleys the same size as the plugs in the front of the block. If you can do this, then just order a couple of the plugs from your MB dealer. Or, maybe you can find an old MB block somewhere and get them there. I know I must have a couple of old diesel blocks in my shed. Keep us posted on your progress.
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Old 12-15-2000, 12:28 PM
Posts: n/a
wm. lewallen,
i'm not so much concerned with the oil gallery balls anymore as i am with the condition of my cylinder head. i've just gotten the call from my machine shop. many new valves and guides are needed. $500+. i was not counting on this as part of my origional price quote. what i was counting on was a $100 fee to resurface the valves. you say you have some old crank cases laying arround. got any good used heads laying arround with them? know anywhere i can get one?
disheartened and ready to give up,
william gum
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Old 12-15-2000, 03:05 PM
Wm. Lewallen
Posts: n/a
oil galley balls

Sorry Bill,but I dont have any old heads. There is Mercedes salvage dealer in Falmouth,Ky. that may have a good used head. In fact Mike may have a complete angine for your car.Call him at European Connections:1-800-395-8636.
I don't want to question your mechanic,but of all the Mercedes diesel engines I have rebuilt,I don't recall ever having to replace any of the valves. Just had them refaced and seats cut and lapped in.I don't remember about the guides, but they are not too expensive. I always replaced the seals. Maybe you need to check around for prices on the parts you need. I get most of my parts from the Atlanta area. Good luck,and keep us posted on how things are going.
Bill Lewallen Lex.Ky.
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Old 12-15-2000, 07:12 PM
Posts: n/a
thanks for the info on the head lewallen. since writing my last post i have been informed that a used head is not the way to go. in fact when i asked the dealer if they carried reconditioned heads, he laughed.... i am keeping in mind however that this was a dealer who would like me to buy his product. nevertheless, what is your take on using a reconditioned or used head. i will have the shop look over the valves one more time though. i'd love to be able to use my existing head. thanks again,
william gum
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Old 12-15-2000, 07:42 PM
Wm. Lewallen
Posts: n/a
oil galley balls 240D

I see no reason why you could not use a re-conditioned head.I know I wouldn't hesitate about using one. Have you called the used MB parts dealer in Falmouth,Ky? If you have your head re-conditioned,don't let the machine shop shave too much off the head. If they do, you may have to use off-set keys in the camshaft to correct the valve timing. It is okay to do this, and off-set keys are available from the dealer.
Bill Lewallen Lex.Ky.
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Old 12-16-2000, 01:52 AM
Posts: n/a
i've started a new thread for discution of the cylinder head. i thought "cylinder head home job" would bring in fresh meat on the subject. check it out if you will, and help if you can. thanks for all the advice fellas.

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