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Old 05-12-2001, 02:23 AM
Posts: n/a
I went to remove the oil pan on an 124 89 260e - only to discover that the subframe was in the way. The long oil pan extends from the front of the engine to the tranny, and there is very little clearance.

It looks like the engine has to be removed to remove the oil pan, Anyone know of an easy way to remove the oil pan in the car???
Thanks in advance.....

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Old 05-12-2001, 09:08 AM
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The "quick and dirty" description is to remove the fan shroud (fan can stay on), unbolt the motor mounts (from underneath, there is one bolt on each side attaching the motor mounts to the subframe), then lift the engine up to get clearance to pull the pan forward and over the top of the subframe. The only real problem is you need enough room to "swing" the pan down in front. What I have to do is have the car up on the hoist about 3 feet off the ground, THEN start lifting the engine with a cherry picker (engine hoist). Just lift the engine till it won't raise anymore. The rear mount (trans mount) is flexible so won't need to be removed. The exhaust system can stay bolted on as well, there is enough "give" in the system to do this job, you're not raising the engine all that much. On your car, you may need to take the drag link off on one side also and swing it to the side to get additional clearance as well.....Gilly
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Old 05-12-2001, 09:09 AM
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you can't remove the oil pan

without getting the engine up. The last one I did I used an engine lift and raised the engine enough to allow the oil pan, oil pump and subframe section to clear. It WAS NOT on a Benz but personally, I do not think it makes any difference.
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Old 05-12-2001, 01:21 PM
Johnson Chan
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I couldnt agree with Gilly more.

I did this procedure once in the air. Luckily my friend has a rack that can lift the car like 5 or 6 feet in the air, then take apart the motor mounts and so forth like gilly says. Its a pain in the a$$. If I had to do it again I would pay someone instead of messing with it for a few hours and so forth.
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Old 05-13-2001, 06:51 PM
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Hi, I am just interesting in knowing the condition inside the oil pan. Can any of you let me know how much, or if any of sludge built-up and the mileage of your 103 engines.

Peter Chu aka PIKACHU
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Old 05-18-2001, 01:11 AM
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Oil pan

I've done a few of them. The only other advise I can give you is make sure you turn the engine so all the "throws" on the crankshaft are as high as you can get them and the pan will come out easily.

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