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Old 03-23-2000, 11:47 PM
Jerry Kelleher
Posts: n/a
Will have about 3500 miles on an E320 2000 before beginning about an 8000 mile trip. Would you recommend I get an oil change before I start? I plan to be in the Des Moines area when we hit the 5500 mile mark. Can someone from this area recommend a good dealer in this area if I do not change the oil before leaving. Have seen a number of posts on this site and others regarding oil change intervals-still confused as to the best course of action.

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Old 03-24-2000, 07:18 AM
Posts: n/a

I'm an oil change maniac, and the necessity for frequent oil changes has been disputed by a few, not many, people on this forum.

That said, I would have already had my first oil change. The first oil and filter change will get any microscopic particles out of the system, instead of letting them circulate through the system. A new or rebuilt engine will, in the first few miles, circulate microsopic particles and other tiny debris that may be deposited while assembling the engine.

If the car were mine, I would go change it before the trip and then change it when you get to the appropriate leg of the trip. You don't have to take it to an MB dealer to get the oil changed. Keep records of your oil changes, and let the regular service intervals be done and logged at an MB dealer. You can't change the oil too often, it's the cheapest engine insurance you can buy.

One other thing, if you will drain the oil when the engine is hot, more of the contaminants will be removed from the engine. The main reason you change oil is that it is the only means you have for cleaning the inside of the engine.

Change oil hot, and change oil often.

Have a safe and fun trip,

Larry Bible
'84 Euro 240D, 516K miles
'88 300E 5 Speed
Over 800,000 miles in
Mercedes automobiles
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Old 03-24-2000, 07:51 AM
Fred Prickett
Posts: n/a
I for one fully support Larry's post. It has always been my practice that any time the engine has been opened and the opportunity for any foreign material to enter, I always put in freah oil, run it for 300-500 miles, dump it, and then return to my normal oil changing regimen. One other recommendation I would make WRT your trip is to take along an M-B oil filter for your car, especially if you decide to change oil while on the trip and the opportunity presents itself to use an independent dealer that may not have the proper filter for your particular model. You probably already do this but I also carry along in my trunk an extra quart of oil just in case what I use in the crank case is not readily available while on the road. And, don't forget to check the air pressure in your spare tire. Have a great trip; hoprfully getting there will be just as enjoyable as reaching your destination !!

Fred Prickett
85 500 SEL, 241,500 mi
90 5.0 Mustang LX conv.
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Old 03-24-2000, 09:53 PM
Posts: n/a
All the above is good advice, but I would like to add my "2 cents). On a new car, I would chamge the oil in the engine after the first 1,000 miles. The reason being is that all the metallic components are wearing in and genreating a high than usual amount of contaminants.

I would not fret about this too much since you have exceeded this already, but it is a good general policy that I thought others on this BB might want to be aware of. The same goes for the other oils such as differential, but I would not do this until between 5,000 - 7,500 miles.

Oil is cheaper that parts! remember the old Quaker State commercial - You can pay me now or pay me later!

Any comments from the pro's?

87 300TDT
150,000 miles

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