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Old 08-15-2015, 03:30 PM
BatteredBenz BatteredBenz is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 563
Originally Posted by kerry View Post
My daughter was born preemie by caeserian and she was rushed to the newborn ICU. By the time I got there from the operating room, she already had a pink bow stuck to her forehead with vaseline. I was pissed. There was nothing going on evolutionarily there. It was simply a message to the adults to make sure you treat these gender unidentifiable newborns as boys and girls. Sexist pigs in my view.
HA! HA! HA! Isn't the use of the term "daughter" itself an offensive sexist gender normative slur?????????? That person is nothing more than an offspring who is best defined as gender fluid being in metamorphosis, right? Bruce = Cait! Anybody can change who and what they "identify as" at any time, right? Isn't your sexist label really hate?

Yeah! Because the large majority of the human population recognizing and responding to the human experience across the millennia and billions of normal well adjusted functioning humans who make up the greater than 95% of the total human population that has ever existed; certainly must have ill will towards the mental illness delusions of the tiny fraction of deviant mutations that some tiny fraction of the overall newborns might eventually manifest!

The vast majority of normal people can't have their plain, clear and obvious gender cues recognized, affirmed and supported because there is an extremely small chance that a tiny few could mal-develop a "condition" that is outside the norm.

If only we could identify these abnormal deviant mutations sooner and label them better then we all could live and let live rather than forcing the vast majority to react and conform to the demands of the least normative amongst us.

Everything that the fewest amongst us are intolerant of must cease because if not everybody else who doesn't comply is a hater.

The rare chance that some small cohort of abnormals might be innocently and perhaps incorrectly presumed to be normal, is sexist?

I thought sex( defined by chromosomes and/or outwardly genitals) was different than "gender"(what people imagine they "feel" they better "identify" as), so how are people sexist because they respond to actual real physical manifestations of sexual identity rather than ignoring that evidence and pretending that it's somehow likely that the evidence before them is meaningless and that some slim possibility of a later manifesting delusionary state should reign supreme in logic?

If anybody was concerned about their spawn being labeled before that spawn entered the real world why wouldn't they simply ask the professionals to avoid differentiating that spawn based upon all the tangible evidence before them? I mean if it matters and people think it matters why wouldn't they let the professionals they are involved with know what matters most to them?
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