Thread: 600 Sl
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Old 05-25-2003, 09:52 PM
Kebowers Kebowers is offline
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sl 600 maintenance hog?

It is a PITA to work on anything serious under the hood on the R129 600. They started with the engine crankshaft and built everything out from there, and then built the car around it.

Biggest shock will be the wiring harnesses--insulation on the wires inside the black covered bundles turns to dust and $$$$ fly out the window. Each of the 2 electronic throttle actuators ($2500 each) will have the failure, as will the main and engine wiring harnesses. Totals can go over $15K at a Dealer for parts ($8-K) and balance labor.

The electronic modules are also very dear --over $2K a pop--and they do fail. I am down on Bosch they were building tinker toy experimental junk with these cars--lots of undiscovered 'bugs' in the very complicated Car Area Network (CAN) that requires new microcode/parts, which means lots of different part numbers for the modules and lots of incompatibilities.--which means each car is nearly a unique prototype. "Sorry--that $1000 module is no longer available, and the replacement requires that you also replace these 1,2, ? other modules at the same time !!
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