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Old 04-03-2001, 12:23 PM
Ken C Ken C is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 117
G-Tech Pro ?

re: "...a G-Tech Pro. It's a portable accelerometer that will extrapolate HP from acceleration runs to 60 and the quarter mile. It should be able to give ball-park numbers...."

I've seen ads for (what I think is) this gadget -- it contains accelerometers to record performance, but to estimate horsepower?? Really? There must be so many variables (the car's weight, its Cdx (can't use subscripts -- I mean its aerodynamics), etc. The Gelaendewagen is so heavy ( > Chevy Suburban) and so unaerodynamic (sort of like a brick, facing broadest-side into the wind), these must be factors when estimating horsepower -- wouldn't you think? The G-Tech's "ballpark" figures might register 25 horsepower :-) , if even that much :-) .

However, I can see its value -- it's too bad that I didn't have a G-Tech BEFORE I did the engine upgrade, to get baseline figures. Even if the G-Tech can't consider the GWagen's weight and aerodynamics, at least, comparing the before and after biased power estimates would have let me estimate the real power increases by applying the same relationship. It wouldn't be purely accurate, but at least it would be a better estimate.

But getting back to be original request, by starting with baseline horsepower/torque values and an acceleration time, and comparing this to new acceleration figures, I thought that there might be some formula or mathematical relationship (raising the horsepower to some power or exponent (or something like that) that might provide some estimate. Ever hear of such a relationship?

In any case, thanks very much -- I enjoyed hearing from you.

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