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Old 07-19-2006, 02:11 AM
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H-townbenzoboy H-townbenzoboy is offline
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I'd be afraid of running such high contentrations of used motor oil often, especially if it is not filtered right.

Here's a quote from the Chevron Lubricants site:

Can I get rid of my used engine oil by adding it to diesel fuel?

Adding used engine oil to diesel fuel used to be a common practice. However, it almost certainly results in a blend that does not meet diesel fuel specifications. One or more of these properties may be too high: 90% boiling point, sulfur content, ash, water and sediment, viscosity, and carbon residue. A diesel fuel/used oil blend may not be sold as diesel fuel, and we recommend against using it as a diesel fuel.
But I have yet to hear any problems from adding one or two quarts at a time, if it's filtered properly.
'81 MB 300SD, '82 MB 300D Turbo (sold/RIP), '04 Lincoln Town Car Ultimate

Sooner or later every car falls apart, ours does it later!
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