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Old 09-29-2006, 07:23 PM
rchase rchase is offline
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Originally Posted by kanio View Post
I understand all things wear out and need repair, but if you are charging a preminum for your product you should at least have a average reliability rating.
Whell tell that to the owners of Ferrari's or Rolls Royces. They should be really pissed since they paid well over what we paid for our Mercedes cars and have even more problems. You can't compare Japanese cars with their lawnmower engines with higher end cars as there is no comparison. Even the Lexus line of cars trails behind MB technology at least 2-5 years.

With a certain class of car there is a cost of ownership. If your not willing to pay your dues pick another class of cars.

Your "average" Ferrari has a $12,000 30K service for one of the cheaper models. Not to mention problems with overheating Catalyic converters and leaking hoses that you have to be vigilent with to keep your whole car from burning up. I am considering my first Ferrari and many of the owners suggest a laser thermometer in the glove box in case the "slow down" light comes because of an overheating Catalytic converter. Why do people still buy them? Because there is nothing on the road like them. The same thing is true with many of the Mercedes models.
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