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Old 12-30-2006, 09:03 PM
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yal yal is offline
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: New York, Long Island
Posts: 2,707
If its black you want to be extra careful when washing it. Use the two bucket method. Its a method a lot of us detailers use to prevent scratches.

Fill both buckets with water. Pour the required amount of shampoo into one bucket. Rinse the car down with a hose. Dip your wash cloth (personally I would buy a Chenille Wash sponge, they are cheap and available at Autozone and are very good on the paint) in the soap bucket and start washing. Do half a panel. Then rinse the wash cloth quickly in the water-only bucket before you dip it back into the soap water. Continue like this until you are done. Rinse the car down.

When you are finished you will notice that the water-only bucket is dirty while the soap water is clean Pat yourself on the back, you just avoided rubbing that dirt back onto your paint.
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