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Old 09-03-2007, 11:51 PM
graftdesign graftdesign is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Birmingham, Michigan
Posts: 58
I have the same issue.

This is very timely. I have the exact same problem. The mounting hole in the upper left is completly chewed up and pops the screw right out causing the regulator to buckle and jump gear. Luckily the window is completely shut.
I havent fixed it yet as I just discovered this yesterday. I figured it was going to be a quick fix until I took off the door panel!

The regulator in your pic seems correct.

You have several options.

1) tack weld (2-3 tacks) an oversized washer in the proper location and remount regulator. Replace screw with longer one.

2) cut-out the affected area and weld in steel plates. Also put in longer screws.

3) get a different door.

Good luck!
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