Diesel 1 & 2 are available, but as the other poster said, I have only had problems once with 7 diesels in relation to gelling, and this has to be at -45 or so.
Biggest advice, go where the trucks go in the winter.
In glowing, some of the relays stay on a split second after the light goes off, it is easy to see, as the lights inside will get brighter when they shut off.
The colder it gets, the more you might have to glow.
My record is 4 cycles of glow before starting.
The high amp battery is a good bet.
An excellent synthetic is a good bet.
Park her downwind.
Administrator: Mark your calender and ask me for an indepth article on cold weather driving in the fall. Whom better to ask than a canuck.
P.S. Cold here is when the ski-doo's dont start, and the air burns your lungs.
-65 or so.