As always, thank you for your thoughtful comments. This week, I had the front brake pads replaced, oil changed, and wheels rotated and balanced. I was feeling a slight vibration in the steering column. My mechanic confirmed my analysis that the car needed an allignment; it pulled slightly to the right. I took care of that yesterday. I STILL get a slight vibration in the steering column on the freeway that I'm unable to distinguish between 1) post-decisional regret; 2) road inadequecies 3) nature of the drive 4) a real problem. Sounds like, from you comments, it's PROBABLY the tires. Again, I used to having my thumb and index finger on the steering wheel on the 300E and now I'm back to driving school; hands at 10 and 2! Don't get me wrong; it's NOT even close to the point of discomfort... it's quite FUN and I got my first ticket (warning ) today! (see posting on radar detectors!!). I appreciate you comments and since I'm driving(no pun) everyone in my life(aka 'wife') crazy, I'm committed to getting to a comfort level with this purchase.