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Old 01-19-2008, 01:35 PM
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dynalow dynalow is offline
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I don't have a diesel or any desire to own one. I think among diesel owners, resistance is partly due to the newness of it, fear of causing harm to a good engine and just a plain old all-American "don't give a ****" attitude among many.

Availability of fuel may be another concern. Jst how available is this product from traditional sources?.
Is it availably on, say, the Ohio or PA turnpike? I think people would be very reluctant to have to go hunt for the product outside of the traditional retail network, which is controlled by,yep, the OIL Companies. Certainly they will be a willing ally in this!

Personally, I have a mental picture of a deep fat fryer with cold and congealed oil in it. Then thinking" this stuff goes in my fuel tank"? Then what happens? Undoubtedly, a totally false picture of reality, but enough to scare people away.
False Education Appearing Real.

My non-political $.02
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