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Old 03-29-2008, 06:15 PM
jeffreyli86 jeffreyli86 is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 35
LOL... I think the problem is that "IDK" isn't a proper abbreviation for anything. It's just text-talk. If you must, you better use abbreviations that people are likely to know (e.g. LOL) or proper abbreviations (e.g. FYI, AFAIK). Otherwise it may be rude and unreadable to some, if not most. I'm 22 if you are interested. You just have to learn to use different "languages" in different situations. You can say "F-you" to anyone on tExt but when you are asking for help, this is not, in my opinion, the right attitude.

Let's get back on topic. It's a M119.

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