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Old 05-07-2008, 01:22 AM
nerys nerys is offline
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Location: Levittown PA just east of Philedelphia
Posts: 76
Until someone can tell me difinitively its safe I am leery of trying. Its that. The oil and the fuel do NOT MIX in the engine for the most part except maybe a tiny bit in the cylinders themselves.

OIL does not go through your injectors. Fuel does. How small are the openings in the injectors? I have no idea. People are telling me I need to filter to 1 micron. thats really freaking small.

Now the injectors DO at least partially atomize the fuel right? how small is that. What is the larger "particle" they an pass without causing a problem? Clearly particulate concerns exist or we would not need fuel filters (multiple filters on diesels right?

I wish I had more info on this. I have access to SOO much used motor oil that I am drooling over the potential of using it in the engine without any of the hassles of WVO.

Experts here. Tell me what is the worst case scenario? Ruin the injector pump? is that it? is that the worst? HOW HARD is it to remove and install one of those ? I have an entire second car I MAY be up for taking a gamble in this regard as I could always gank the pump from the spare car and then stop using used oil if it causes problems.

Going 50% brings me from $4.79 a gallon to $2.40 a gallon :-) (I HATE that they are raping us on diesel now. Bastards :-(
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