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Old 05-07-2008, 10:44 AM
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bustedbenz bustedbenz is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Valle Crucis, NC
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I've never run it personally, but my inclination is that the fuel filter, given that its entire purpose is to remove things from the fuel stream that are large enough to cause damage - would not allow metal bits above the critical "damaging" size to get through any more than it would let any other fuel stream trash get through.

A good set of precautions would be

1. Let the oil settle a good long time, and when pouring into the tank, don't pour the last inch or so in. Recycle that, it's got most of the settled garbage in it.

2. Maybe consider running 25% instead of 50% to further thin the overall fuel mixture and hopefully let things work a little more smoothly. The car will think it's running cleaner fuel than it will at 50% anyway.

~Michael S.~
Past cars:

1986 300SDL
1987 300SDL
1982 240D
1982 300SD


1987 300SDL
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