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Old 06-29-2008, 05:26 PM
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Carleton Hughes Carleton Hughes is offline
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Originally Posted by Diesel4me View Post
No he considers 12-steppers to be Nazis. Like me, he's athiest so doing the 12-step thing without a higher power is kinda difficult anyway. He's been on MMT for at least 4 years, but has messed up in one way or another a couple of times and had priveleges revoked before. I'm sure after tomorrow the visits to the clinic will be at least three times a week instead of once per week for the next 90 days, if he can somehow manage to get his dosage back on track and keep it that way.

I was kinda hoping this would be a romance for the ages but I don't know if I can handle this kind of baggage.
Take some advice from one who knows...Flee for the hills!
Straight,Gay,BI...It doesn't matter.Take it from one who knows,addictive personalities with their"baggage"will be a continual millstone around your neck.

Their chief purpose is self-preservation,which is simply a diplomatic way of saying they will lie,cheat,steal and use any means at their command to feed their addiction and it's rare it happens otherwise,love DOES NOT cure all,it makes one blind to reality.
Be there as a friend,that's all well and good but don't you dare get emotionally involved with damaged goods,you deserve the best that life offers,not some restoration project.

Sorry for the bluntness,but I can see where this is headed.
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