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Old 07-28-2010, 06:03 PM
fullcircle fullcircle is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Dutchess County, NY
Posts: 38
Those are excellent ideas and good advice. Unforunately, I'm in a part of NY that doesn't have any pick-n-pull yards (at least that I've found yet). I'm envious of the folks who have them. I've read sixto's dash removal procedure and plan on using it if needed, but I think that is why I dread the more blissful ignorance--- I'm hoping it's electrical, but will take your advice of jamming the flap open to put off the job for awhile if it is vacuum related. Thanks again for the help.
'83 240D, auto, 170,000 miles "Old Blue"
'87 300TD, 140,000 miles
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