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Old 08-18-2010, 04:37 PM
willy2004 willy2004 is offline
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Originally Posted by Ashman View Post
ok how about this. full headgasket with complete head rebuild, replace right rear wheel bearing, transmission service, oil change, replace burned out bulbs and a few more little things done, all for in the neighborhood of $1600.00 with tax..

Or how about another time when I had a cooling issue. turned out to be a faulty radiator cap which he diagnosed and replaced at no charge.

how about the many times he recharged my ac for me and didn't charge me because he knew that I needed the evaporator core and how much it would cost to fix it. Guess what after a few recharges, the system sealed itself and has been blowing ice cold for the last 4 years.

There have been plenty of times when I have been there and he has done little things for me and not charged. Why does he do that, because that is one of the things he does for his clients, takes care of them.

How about a tranny rebuild when I lost 4th gear for less than $1500.00.

how about on my 87 560sel that I used to have, dealership said it needed a new transmission for a ridiculous price. He fixed it for less than $300.00.

All money well spent for the work done.

Why not just drop it, you don't like the service he gave, fair enough you have repeated yourself plenty of times about it. Those of us who have posted in here do like his service and prices. Why try to convince us that he is evil incarnate and doesn't know how to fix cars. He has been doing it for well over 40 years and has proven that to plenty of people time and again.

I know george at MBZ motors, I see him weekly when he comes to my work to buy parts. He is a good guy and has a nice shop. He also sends cars to us for repairs too. Met plenty of people happy with him.

The bottom line here is people have choices and the ones who praise Enrique do so because they truly like the service and pricing they have gotten from him.

Plenty of people don't like going to a dealership because of the prices, but plenty will only go to the dealership because they like it and they feel the higher price is fair for the level of service they get. We have plenty of happy clients and plenty of unhappy people, that is just the nature of any business.
Let's see some invoices.
I don't believe you, sorry.
I've had personal experience w/Enrique and found him to be expensive & dishonest. This is based on my own experiences...will post an invoice soon.
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