Thread: Great Escapes.
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Old 10-14-2010, 05:11 PM
Billybob Billybob is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Cape Cod Massachusetts
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Evading capture/escape:

BAT-21 - Iceal Hambleton – Vietnam, Longest rescue operation in Air Force history and numerous rescuers’ lives lost in the process. Book and later Hollywood’s version of the same name!

American Hero Isaac 'Ike Camacho, Escaped from Captivity During the Vietnam War

LT. General “Vinegar Joe” Stillwell - WWII Burma, I don’t know if there is even a book specifically about this but it is referenced in many accounts of the theatre and time period. He led the walkout of nearly 100 including the entire US command/liaison mission to Chiang Kai Shek, without loosing anyone.

Actual escape from captivity:

Treblinka Concentration Camp WWII, The only successful Jewish uprising against the “Final Solution” very few survivors of the uprising and very, very few successful escapee’s only 3 or 4: a somewhat romanticized version of events in Jean François Steiner’s book” Treblinka. The book is often criticized by Treblinka survivors as not stark and real enough. Only survivor recollections of the event as the Nazi’s obliterated any and all evidence of the uprising soon after it happened.
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