Thread: Great Escapes.
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Old 10-14-2010, 05:38 PM
Billybob Billybob is offline
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Originally Posted by MS Fowler View Post
I can't remember the name of the movie, I thnk "Eagles" was in the title.
A supposedly true (more or less) story, WW2. Germans capture a scientist who has a lot of knowledge of things atomic, but he is disguised. They put him in an "escape=proof" castle in the Alps ( commanded by Lloyd Bridges?) while they check his ID. Allies get a pilot ( James Garner?) captured, and sent to the same prison camp. He convinces the other prisoners to help build a glider thinking they will draw lots to see who gets to go. In the end he reveals the plan and they shoot off the roof of the castle and fly to freedom as the Gestapo in coming in the front door.
True or not, its a great story.
Hollywood version of historical fiction but based on some factual events!
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