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Old 11-15-2010, 07:04 PM
theolonious theolonious is offline
1982 MB 300 SD
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Syracuse NY
Posts: 12
I'm interested in renting the following tools.....

I want to replace the injector nozzles in my 617 engine and remove the prechambers soz I can replace the seal. I've been getting some leaking in those areas and I feel it's time to see what she'll feel like with new injector nozzles.

Here are the tools I'd like to rent:

34) Prechamber ring wrench, pin type, 60X, 61X....Billybob............................$15

37) Prechamber removal tool, screw press, 61X.....Billybob............................$25.

20) Injector pop tester........................................Grezer...........................$20.

If these tools are still available let me know. I'd like to handle these transactions via money orders and mail.

I have a 1982 300sd with 350k on the clock. She runs well but always needs more attention than I'm able to give her. I've been happy to own her for the last three years.

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