Thread: 500e questions
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Old 09-25-2002, 11:55 AM
Willie Willie is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: AZ then, IL now
Posts: 84
Yes, but Fad you live in the Bay Area!

Not to take anything away both Tom and Fad have said regarding the use of the 500E/E500 in warmer climates but they both live in the SF Bay Area! I'm from there, visit quite often and know it gets hot (no warm) but it's nowhere in comparison to living in Phx/Scottsdale area.

I've had my 92 500E now a year this Oct and have put on close to 7000 miles since I bought it at 113k miles. I have the pigtail installed (search archives, JimF and Italian Benz usernames) and it still gets past 110c when sitting at a traffic light. Perhaps there's something wrong with my pigtail. And you know how hot it gets here in AZ.

All the precautions in addition to the pigtail have been taken, Redline Water Wetter, lots more water than coolant, etc.

I had the same experience with the 92 400E I used to have.

Drop me an email offline if you want to discuss further.
'92 500E Black Pearl
'86 Porsche 911 Track Car

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