Thread: tranny question
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Old 03-18-2000, 02:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Group,

I have a tranny question about my 91 190e 2.6. When I bought the car (2 months ago) the first thing I did was get all the fluids changed. I have since brought it in for 15,000 mile service at an excellent MB independent shop that will be my regular stop for maintainence and repairs now. However, when I bought the car I got the tranny service done at a transmission shop that works on all makes models. Now that I'm learning more about MBs (this is my first one), I'm wondering if I should get the job re-done at the MB shop. I don't know if they drained the converter at the tranny shop. The receipt cost for parts (Dextron III, filter, gasket) was $20. Unfortunately, they don't list how many quarts it took. Is there any way to tell from the parts price how many quarts of Dextron III the car was likely given? Do you think I should get this done again at the MB independent shop?


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