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Old 12-03-2012, 09:34 AM
Philsdaughter Philsdaughter is offline
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Originally Posted by TX76513 View Post
Remeber that photo from years ago - even though I never met him in person he looked familair. It wasn't his face that was familiar but the bulletin board behind him. Phil was a Moose
Yes he was a Moose! He loved it and it gave him another place to connect with people. He loved karaoke like it was nobody's business! As far back as I can remember he was either belting it out while he played the piano or was singing his favorites with his beloved karaoke machine. You all should have seen how his fingers danced across a piano. He played by ear and he was so good that he played in night clubs as a young man. I loved to sit on the bench next to him and marvel. He was so musically talented. He was also artistically talented. He did a pencil sketch of my mom and I when I was 7 years old that puts other artists to shame. I swear there was nothing he couldn't do. My husband always said he had never seen so much talent given to one person. I had always wished my dad would have had the chance to go to college. With his people skills and true affection and interest in them I thought he would have made a great counselor. However, I can now see that this right here, was where he needed to be. He loved cars! I must have been the only 5 year old girl that knew model and make of all the cars on the road. You should have seen how dismayed he was when I told him at 16 that I wanted my first car to be a 1969 VW Bug. I swear, he never tried so hard to talk me out of something in my life. I should have listened, it was a piece of junk. I really miss my dad...
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